Reporting intelligence white paper 01/ Making sense of governance and reporting regulations September 2019.

Will Davenport

The regulations around corporate governance and reporting are complex; keeping abreast of these ever-changing requirements is challenging. The next three years will be an unusually busy period of fundamental change and is a pivotal moment in the evolution of governance and reporting regulation. In recent times, there has been increased activism and shareholder revolts over environmental and social issues, gender equality, diversity and inclusion and excessive executive pay.

Our first Reporting Intelligence white paper, ‘Making sense of governance and reporting regulations’, is the first in a series of papers that will explore the changing landscape of corporate governance and reporting, focussing on the implications to those preparing annual reports for listed companies. Our white papers will break down these changes into bite-size, manageable chunks over the next six months:

02/ Changes in corporate governance and reporting: Do then say
We explore changes in governance and reporting resulting from the Corporate Governance Reform package in the second paper ‘Changes in corporate governance and reporting: Do then say’. 

03/ The Strategic Report: Bringing your story to life
We explore the FRC’s Guidance on the Strategic Report, resources available on ‘best practice’, and our tips on how to bring your strategic report to life to tell your story, in our third paper ‘The Strategic Report: Bringing your story to life’. 

04/ Digital reporting: Implications of ESEF and XBRL reporting
We consider the forthcoming regulations that will require the production of annual reports in XHTML format with electronic marking in iXBRL, the practical implications on annual report production and the benefits of digital reporting in our fourth paper ‘Digital reporting: Implications of ESEF and XBRL reporting’. 

05/ The future of audit, monitoring and enforcement: What does this mean for companies?
Finally, we take a look into the future in our fifth paper ‘The future of audit, monitoring and enforcement: What does this mean for companies?’ and consider the potential changes in the audit market and the future of the FRC and their monitoring and enforcement activity as a result of the Kingman Review, CMA audit market study and Brydon Review.

Download our white paper below.

To find out more about how we can support you with your annual reporting, contact Will Davenport.


Making sense of governance and reporting regulations September 2019

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Will Davenport

Reporting intelligence white paper 01/ Making sense of governance and reporting regulations September 2019.

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