
Gather recognises and values the provision of information on this website in a format which is accessible to all, regardless of ability or disability.

To ensure that this happens, we have programmed our website following published web standards and accessibility guidelines. The site is developed using valid XHTML and cascading style sheets (CSS). Our site content is separated from presentational elements, which makes it available to any visitors that use technologies such as a screen reader or text only browser.

We try to maintain WAI Level A accessibility

We strive to achieve and maintain levels of accessibility that conform to the A standard. We choose not to shout about our compliance since it is difficult to be certain that 100% compliance is being maintained!

Through further development of our web services we strive to improve our compliance and aim to meet as many of the WAI Level AA guidelines as are achievable.

What is an accessible website?

An accessible site is one that accommodates the full range of users. Designing for accessibility therefore means accepting that, for online information, there is:

  • no standard information user, and,
  • no standard device for browsing information

An accessible website does not exclude anybody due to:

  • their abilities, or
  • the method they choose to access the web

The development of has been carried out with the ethos of producing a platform-neutral website. This means that whatever browser or device, whether a desktop computer, smartphone or tablet, the experience is consistent. Attention has also been placed on integrating best of breed digital services such as Google Maps.

Accessible websites prioritise clear content, structure and ease of navigation over frilly aspects of design, however they also need not be visually unattractive, nor are they prevented from using the latest web technologies, provided that all information is still accessible to users.

Change text size

You can use your browser settings to change the text size for all the websites that you visit. The technique for doing this is slightly different depending on the browser that you use:

Internet Explorer 7/8: Select the ‘Page’ menu, then one of the options under ‘Zoom’ or ‘Text Size’. The default setting is ‘Medium’

Internet Explorer 6: Select the ‘View’ menu, and select one of the options under ‘Text Size’

Mozilla Firefox: Select the ‘View’ menu, then ‘Text Size’, then select Increase, Decrease or Normal

Safari: Open up the Safari Web browser on your desktop, hold down the command key on your keyboard. On Macintosh computers the command key is indicated by an Apple or a cloverleaf symbol.

Press the ‘+’ key to increase the font size or the ‘-‘ key to decrease the font size. Do this while still holding down the command key. Stop when you’ve reached a font size that you can read easily.

Opera: Select the ‘View’ menu, then one of the ‘Zoom’ percentage options

Other browsers may also have similar options available. Please consult the documentation provided with your browser if similar options to the ones above aren’t available.

This page was last updated on 8th September 2014.