The FRC calls on its panel members to contribute and advise across a wide range of activities such as the development and maintenance of regulatory codes, standards and guidance, the FRC’s work on corporate reporting and providing advice on emerging issues affecting the regulatory landscape.
With nearly 20 years of technical corporate reporting experience, including 6 years as a standard setter and Project Director at the FRC, Mei Ashelford BBA FCA, Director of reporting intelligence at Gather was delighted with the appointment. She commented,
“For me, this is an exciting time to be involved with the work of the FRC. We are currently experiencing a period of significant regulatory transformation. The last two years have seen companies getting to grips with purpose, section 172 and stakeholder engagement. But there is more change yet to come with governance and audit reforms being implemented off the back of the Kingman and Brydon Reviews, significant movement towards the creation of unified global sustainability reporting standards and the evolution of the FRC’s vision for the future of corporate reporting.”
“Having worked as a regulator and now as a consultant, I have a unique perspective of life on both sides of the fence. My last two years at Gather have opened my eyes to the challenges that our clients face in implementing new and existing regulations and I feel it is important that I use my newfound ‘real-life’ insights to influence how new regulations and best practice are developed. Being an Advisory Panel member will enable me to do this.”
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As a subject matter expert, Mei also leads on Gather’s reporting thought leadership activities and is frequently asked to contribute to external publications and speaking events.
A recent article, written in conjunction with Sarah Wood, Director of digital, explores the recent FRC discussion paper, ‘A Matter of Principles’, which Mei worked on and includes details of what companies can do to get ahead.
The future of corporate reporting: What can you do to get ahead?
Sarah and Mei are currently conducting one-to-one meetings with interested organisations to discuss the findings. If you would like to learn more or book a session, please contact