Schoolab brand strategy

The beauty of inconsistency.

Schoolab is a learning-based innovation studio in Paris and San Francisco. Their approach breaks silos, re-connects people with their curiosity and frees the potential that delivers new business.


Schoolab’s founders wanted to sharpen the articulation of their brand as part of expanding to the U.S. Critically, they wanted us to tread a delicate path in doing this. Schoolab appeals to the creatively-aspiring, people who like to innovate in an environment of managed chaos. Added to this, the founders all contribute individualistic outlooks to Schoolab’s marketing. Our challenge was to craft a strategy that would satisfy the need for consistency while delivering sufficient flexibility, and articulating one meaning that all three founders could live with.


With Jean-Baptiste Danet, our partner in Paris, and Schoolab’s founders we led five brainstorming sessions to sift arguments, introduce the opinions of clients and competitors and ultimately focus on building innovation confidence as a core narrative. Building innovation confidence will move Schoolab away from expected innovation channels that focus simply on business acceleration. This idea promises that by constantly challenging how individuals and teams learn, Schoolab will help students, start-ups, public organisations and large corporations to build innovation confidence for life. Those who have been through Schoolab or who return, do so because the experience is transformative first for them personally, and subsequently for their companies.

Build innovation confidence.


Our recommendations were positively received by the team at Schoolab. Jean-Claude Charlet, one of Schoolab’s founders, confirmed that days after the presentation there had been many exchanges on Schoolab’s team whatsapp about the values, tagline and other elements in Schoolab’s brand armoury, showing that their team is eager to move this thinking forward.

Services & contact

  • Brand strategy


Tony Allen

Director of Brand
+44 (0) 7775 953 387